The Song of the Elohim
Many rabbis would resist what I am about to say. Indeed most theologians and pastors of the Christian persuasion would resist as well.
Many rabbis would resist what I am about to say. Indeed most theologians and pastors of the Christian persuasion would resist as well.
Yet, it seems to me, that the plurality of divinity is such an obvious fact that I am ok with their resistance and I understand from where and why it arises.
In Hebrew the word used for God in Genesis is not exclusively masculine or feminine in nature. Elohim can be used as a plural form of describing God. A plurality that includes both masculine and feminine.
Given the fact that the Elohim chose to make mankind in THEIR image, male and female THEY created them, is further evidence of a unified field of spiritual beings co-creating our flesh and bone existence.
To make matters worse for those who are dogmatically inclined to insist that God is one and in his oneness he is masculine, the Hebrew word echad, (one or unity, אֶחָד ) used to describe the oneness of God is not singular in nature but describes a unity that requires diversity.
Diversity of gender no doubt. Masculine and Feminine they created us. With a word spoken and a breath given.
But what if the words that formed creation were not merely spoken? What if they were sung?
I recently had my perception of reality shattered by actor and meta physicist Terrance Howard, who links the elements on the periodic table with keys on the harmonic scale. He goes on to say that the interplay between the elements is like the notes we create when we sing or play an instrument.
Each element has a specific signature and the combination of that signature with the signature of another element creates an elemental song that forms the universe.
Our 3D material reality is a myriad of songs being sung as elements play off of one another.
A song sung by the Elohim, a heavenly choir in whose image we are made.
If we are made in the image of the Elohim and the breath of the Elohim gives us life, are we not also creators singing the world into being with each word that we speak?
When a parent yells at their child the tone of their voice holds a frequency and that frequency contains a pitch on the harmonic scale that touches their heart, moves their body and forms their perception of the world.
A perception that goes on to influence the songs that they sing and the words that they speak.
In the same way a gentle word stills the heart of a son or daughter, eases their nervous system, calms their mind and returns them to a state of balance.
Perhaps our fall from grace was and is simply the loss of awareness of our own potential to create the world with sound and song, with word and tone and harmony.
A “key signature” is the notes that will sound "good" when played together. “Good” could be another way of saying harmonious, balanced, life giving.
The word shalom in Hebrew like the word Hozho in Navajo both invoke a vision of a state of harmony or balance. Both are used in each religion to describe the ideal or heavenly state of being.
Perhaps the Elohim is perfect in their pitch and tone and our call to be perfect as they are perfect is a call to return to harmony, a state where good and evil, black and white are just two extremes on an elemental spectrum full of color and sound.
Terrance Howard Periodic Table Explanation
Terrance Howard Joe Rogan Full Episode
When I read this post, I had just read the opening paragraphs of *The Piano Tuner* by Taiwanese author Chiang-Sheng Kuo, and I couldn't help thinking of them as I read your post––related in my thoughts, anyway:
In the beginning, we were souls without bodies. When God planned to give us souls a physical shape, we refused to enter into a concrete form that would fall ill and grow old, obstructing our free passage through time and space. God came up with a solution by having angels play enchanting music.
We souls were so spellbound by the music we wanted to hear it more clearly, which was possible only through one channel, the human ear. God's trick worked, and we souls gained a physical body.
God as trickster! What motivated such conniving I wonder…